Art Exclusive

Happy Halloween! (4 weeks early) 

Completed Projects

Watercolor Process Video
I made a short 10-minute video on my watercolor process. It is not a tutorial per se, it is really just a walkthrough on how I make images. I hope you like it.
Video LINK

If you missed the previous newsletters you can find the entire back catalog here on my website.

Current Projects

The Daniel 7 Comic: A Reign of Beasts is still on Kickstarter.
This Limited Edition Print has just been added!

! Important call to action !

This Kickstarter is in the final home stretch and I need your help! If you have already pledged to support, Thank you, but also it would be amazing if you could share the campaign with other people that you think might enjoy the project. You can do that by forwarding this email or sharing the link below on social media.

I am excited for this comic to be finally printed, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

   TOTI finished thumbnailing issue 2 and had a great call with my writer on some small edits. I have started Pencilling. Here is one of my favorite pages so far.

  The Green Flamingo
The book is officially being pitched! My agent finalized the pitch and started sending it to publishers. I can’t wait to hear what editors think and I look forward to it finding a home soon.

Inktober has already officially started and for this year I am drawing superheroes that are members of D.U.H. (The Department of Useless Heroes)
I am also doing something different by drawing all my characters on a single page which I will make into prints for my store later. You can follow along on my Instagram.

Card Game
The card game is still being playtested. Many a bug has been found and an edge case resolved. I can’t wait to start making the art for this.

I am in another D&D campaign, this time in the world of Humblewood. The races in this game are all woodland creatures. Here is our party:

Classes are going really well! My students in Intro to Comics have created some amazing Characters for their comics. Here they are:


Upcoming Projects

My wife and I are about to close on a house! The house is in great condition, but we do have some aesthetic changes that we would like to make, including painting walls and changing the floors. Not my normal type of art, but I look forward to this new interior design journey.

Art Lesson


On the left, you can see the outline of a shape made with the previous element, Line. On the right, you can see a solid shape. Under certain circumstances, the image on the left could be seen as more of a picture frame, not a single solid shape. This is due to the concept of Positive and Negative Space.

Positive Space: The object (BLACK)
Negative Space: Area around or in/through the object (BLUE)

People often overlook Negative Shapes. These are shapes inside the positive space that help define it. Highlighted here in yellow

Challenge: Look for negative shapes in the world around you and how they help define objects.

Exercise: Draw a vase of flowers or plants in silhouette. identify the positive and negative space and shapes.


Philosophical Rant 

Month-long Challenges.

This month I am taking part in my 5th Month-long Drawing challenge for the year with another likely in December. But why?


Back in the day, I used these challenges to establish a habit of drawing daily. But now, drawing is my 40-60 hour a week job, so I really don’t NEED to make sure that I make time to draw as much as I used to.
Now, I use the challenges as a warm-up, self-promotion on social media, and general drawing exercise. Just like if you are an athlete, I need to “work out” my creativity and stay sharp.

Why should YOU do monthly challenges? 

Sometimes Creativity can be intimidating. If you have a blank piece of paper in front of you and endless possibilities of things you can fill it with, you can get shell shocked and never start. A challenge provides structure and limits such as:

One drawing a day, with ink, and a single word prompt: fish.

I have seen some posts on social media of people suggesting their own challenges with parameters like “You don’t HAVE TO do one every day.” or “You don’t HAVE TO follow the prompts.” These statements destroy the core purpose of a challenge: Hardship.

Challenge yourself with something hard. Set out to do something new. Maybe you won’t succeed, but you can’t get better if you do not try. And you won’t know IF you succeeded without clear parameters that define success.

Last year I tried doing March of Robots in which you draw a robot every day for the month of March. I got about a week in and I just wasn’t feeling it, so I quit. I said, nope, I do not want to do this anymore. I failed. But I learned something about myself: I do not like drawing robots.

When you succeed, Celebrate.
When you fail, Accept and Learn from it.

Stay safe out there, love each other, and create beautiful things.

For more about me, Anderson Carman, you can follow the links below to my Instagram and Online Portfolio.