Art Exclusive

My Baby!
My son, Vincent Davis Carman was born in late January. Both Vincent and my wife Laura are doing well. Needless to say, I was absent for a bit while I got some good baby time. But now I am excited to get back to work and share it with you all.

I love this drawing because he is just a grumpy old man.

This one is how he showed up in my daily sketch journal. 

Completed Projects

I finished DnDCember and I think it is safe to say that will be my last Month Long challenge for a while. For more on my musings about Month Challenges, check out my Philosophical Rant in issue #10 Here are some of my favorite D&D and DC mashups from December.

Today’s Sketchy
I finished another year of my Daily Sketch Journal. There is a post in my blog about it if you would like to learn more about it.

I tiled a bathroom over Christmas! The sink area was carpet, yuck, so I decided to redo all the tile. Turns out that I am rather handy. here are some process photos. I am still painting rooms and adding some trim here and there, but the house is feeling more and more like home.

I had to start with the demolition of the old tile.

Then backer board, Schluter or nothing!!!

Finally the tile!

If you missed the previous newsletters you can find the entire back catalog here on my website.

Current Projects 

I am about to start Thumbnailing the next chapter of this project, slow and steady wins the race… Here is a creature that will show up in issue 3…


Upcoming Projects

Art Show!

I will have an art show at a local gallery in Atlanta, GA. The show will be 17 Ink Sequential Art pages from the book, A Reign of Beasts, published with Fish Coin Press last year. The art opening will be March 12th at Gallery 1740 off of Peachtree Street in Midtown Atlanta. The show will be socially distanced and we will take precautions to keep people safe, and I am excited for the opportunity to see people face to face and share my work with you all. I hope to see you there.


Art Lesson

Color Part 2:
Every color has three components: Hue, Saturation, Value

Hue, also called Chroma, is what most people actually call “Color” but when analyzing colors it is helpful to separate Hue out as one component, not the whole of a color.

Here are the common Hues that we all know in a square circle…

Saturation is basically, how much hue is in the color? Often referred to as how bright or dull is the color. Here is the same color with full saturation, medium saturation, and no saturation.

Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. For example, here is the same color but with a variance of its value from light to dark.

When you consider all the components then you can see all the colors below as Blue, just with different Saturation and Value.


Philosophical Rant 

Throwing out Old Art
I am still moving into my new house and recently I have come across my box of old art. and I am going to throw 90% of it out.

I am sure someone will email me and say, “Oh, no! don’t throw it out, give it to me! I will hang it up and cherish it.”

But the answer is, “No.”

Three reasons why:

First, The art is from my early days, when I was just learning, and the pieces are poorly composed and/or terribly rendered. Still better than the average person, I recognize that, but It does not reflect my art today and I would not be proud to give or sell it to anyone. It would feel like I am ripping you off.

Second, Giving it away devalues my art. If you would like some art from me I would love to draw a commission for you, but my work is valuable, if not by you then someone. Basically, though it comes down to the fact that I think it is garbage, and I do not want to give anyone garbage. and that leads into the third reason.

Third, I can make everything in the box again, but better. I had a teacher tell me something once that blew my mind. He was doing a demo in class and afterward, he just threw it away. I was shocked, the piece was no Rembrandt but it was really cool for a demo. I asked, “Why did you throw this away?” He replied, “I can make another one, and it will be better.” 

That was the moment it clicked for me. I am an artist, I can make things. If I make something and it isn’t quite right, I can start again and make sure it is quite right. If I sell a piece of art that I really liked, I can just make it again for myself. I am the artist, I make the art.

So, for better or worse this box is going in the bin. At least one positive will be that we will be one box closer to unpacked in our new house.
Stay safe out there, love each other, and create beautiful things.
