Art Exclusive

My wife and I were sick recently and decided to sit down and watch Over the Garden Wall. I had heard good things about this mini-series from Cartoon Network. It was very fun and quirky, just what we needed between naps and hot tea. Vincent (my 5-month old) liked it too.

Completed Projects

Nothing on the professional business side in this category this month (kinda depressing), BUT I did recently have a tree cut down in my back yard, replaced an HVAC unit, and set up my home studio for Art Camp and future art classes.

Current Projects 

I have 4 more pages to Ink and 3 full issues to Color! Here is page 1 from issue 4. It is hard to show you any pages from this chapter that don’t have outright spoilers for the series.


The Great I AM
I am working on a short Children’s book called The Great I AM. It is all about the names of God in the Bible. The art for the book is all styled like stained glass windows, here is one of the pages.

I have focused on storytelling for this month-long drawing challenge. I have scheduled time to sit down and write a short story about each of the prompts and then to draw an image that tells the story. Here are some of my favorites so far.

Upcoming Projects

I mentioned it last month, but here is my upcoming Con list again!

August 6-8, 2021
Atlanta Comic Con. Atlanta, GA

August 14, 2021
FCBD (Free Comic Book Day!) Infinite Realities Comic Shop. Tucker, GA

August 28-29, 2021
Fairfax Comiccon. Fairfax, VA

September 18-19, 2021
Incredible Con. Charleston, SC

Art Lesson

Gestalt Psychology
I made another graphic for my Art Appreciation Class. This one shows the principles of Gestalt Psychology. Gestalt is a German word that roughly translates to “Concise” or “Pithiness” The principles of this psychology pertain to the Art Element: Space.

Similarity: Objects that are similar are grouped together regardless of proximity.
Prägnanz: Individual objects are perceived as one solid group.
Proximity: Objects that are close in proximity are grouped together regardless of similarity.
Continuity: Objects arranged in a consistent order are perceived as a continuous group.
Closure: Missing information is filled in by the viewer to complete known objects.
Common Region: Objects within a closed space are seen as part of a group regardless of proximity, similarity, or continuity.

Philosophical Rant 

Take your Time

This rant is more for me. I have a hard time taking my time. Recently, I have been trying to treat my very irregular job like an office job. Work 9-5, leave work in the office, take off weekends, Only take 2 weeks vacation, etc. However, I do not have a traditional office job. And now that I work from home with a 5-month-old, it is even less traditional. My son is actually sitting in my lap chewing on a spoon while I type this- whoops, he dropped it, just a second…

I tend to beat myself up for not getting a full workday in when that rarity occurs. So then it bites me when my lovely wife takes the baby and I can work undistracted, I get very impatient with myself and want to get all my work done NOW! But my hand only inks so many pages in a day, my fingers only type so many keys a minute, and my brain only fires so many synapses in a second.

Worse than not reaching my arbitrary goals for the day, however, is reaching them but with sub-par work that I am neither proud of nor satisfactory for my clients.

Therefore, I aim to focus on quality over quantity. I may not produce as much today as yesterday, But I am very proud of the work I produced today.

Stay safe out there, love each other, and create beautiful things.
