
I am saddened by the state of the country I live in. I do not want to just continue on with the show as if there is nothing happening; But, this is not a news blog. This is an art blog. Furthermore, I do not believe that I am eloquent or concise enough to sum up my thoughts on this very important issue in a single email and I do not believe that we need more Monologues. I would prefer a Dialogue. If you would like to talk, I am here to listen and engage. Please email me, or a friend you trust and have a conversation.

This drawing is from a children’s book I illustrated a couple of years ago.

Now, on to some good things!

Completed Projects

My Brother-in-Law got married!
He is my wife’s brother and I had the honor of doing some watercolor illustrations for the rehearsal dinner. They are big fans of Disney so I depicted them as their favorite characters from Peter Pan.

Fear Hunters is Shipped!
I shipped all the Kickstarter rewards for Fear Hunters last weekend. I set the goal of having the book finished and delivered to backers in June of 2020 and I have made it! I am so proud of this project and cant wait to hear everyone’s thoughts.

As to what is next for Fear Hunters, I am not sure. I am trying to pitch it to a few publishers but I am also working on a few other projects for now. I have a very busy June ahead of me. I do have plans for 10 more issues of Fear Hunters. But for now, it is off my plate beyond selling copies of the book from my inventory.

Speaking of. If you would like to read the first chapter in black and white for FREE or purchase Fear Hunters Volume 1 you can buy a copy for yourself or for a friend here!



Mermay 2020 was a huge success. You can see the entire collection from this year on my website or Instagram linked at the bottom of this email.


If you missed the previous newsletters you can find the entire back catalog here on my website.

Current Projects

Oi Ve, I have a lot on my plate but I am super excited to share it with you.

 #Junicorn! I have never participated in this challenge before but it is going quite well! I am receiving wonderful feedback from the community on Instagram and very excited to see where this series will lead me. Here are some highlights so far. 
No update on the 100-page Graphic Novel for ————— Publishing House code name “TOT” I have finished Inking the first 28 pages and the chapter 1 Cover. I am waiting on the script for issue 2 but I had a great talk with my writer the other day about the progress.

I’m 99% done with the animation work I have been doing. I am now just adding all the final details and checking in with my manager.

I am done teaching in the classroom this year, but I have started tutoring my younger brother to prepare his portfolio for art school. He is super dedicated and makes fantastic work, you can check out his Instagram feed here BEN INSTAGRAM

I mentioned last time being in a new DnD campaign, well, here are the characters! I take commissions all the time for DnD Characters, shoot me an email if you want a watercolor of your character.Our Captain: Dread Pirate Roberts
First Mate: Quill (Played by my wife)
Boatswain’s mates: Zeb (This is my character)
Our Ships Doctor: Tim
The Cook: Bilburn
Demolitions Expert: Javier

 I have been collaborating with an awesome brewery in Macon, GA on some illustrations for the last few years and they are fixing to launch a food truck! I did the artwork fro the side of it. I will let you know when I see it out in the wild!

Upcoming Projects

I am focusing this month on putting together my pitch packet for Stan and then I am going to reach out to a few editors I know as well as some agents and get the ball rolling on bringing this short Children’s book to life. Here is a sneak peek:

On the same note, I have another project I am working on in the back of my head that I need to see if there is more than just an idea there…

I will NOT be doing a month drawing challenge next month. whew. I will be taking a break before the fun starts again with #smAugust in, well, august. But I am going to take July and make sure that I get back into that sketchbook groove and really knock it out of the park.

Philosophical Rant

I have not done a good job of working in my sketchbook for me. I will blame some of that with how busy my personal life has been and that it was only a few weeks ago that I sent out my last newsletter, but still.

I started my current sketchbook in July of last year. I usually fill 2-3 a year and I am only halfway through this one. The bummer is I can’t just fill this up and call it a day, that doesn’t fix anything. That would be like cramming for an exam. sure you might pass the test but you won’t retain most of it, and it’s no fun. That said I am taking time right now from writing this to fill in a few spreads…
 … So that was a few days ago and I didn’t really do much in my sketchbook that wasn’t work-related. Gah, I am really having a tough time drawing for me. But it is also exciting, because the whole point of a sketchbook is practice, and now I am just cranking out more and more finished work.

Speaking of finished work, I completed Fear Hunters and sent out ALL the rewards. It is completely off my plate for the first time in two years… That feels weird. I have plans to continue the series and I have heard from many of my backers asking when the next chapter is coming out since I ended it on a bit of a cliff hanger. I do not want to disappoint my fans. I will finish the series but I have a full plate right now and some exciting things in front of me. I hope you will all tag along for whatever the next big thing is.

Not really sure where this rant was going to go but I kinda feel like it’s done. I have some other thoughts but they are so unrelated I’ll save them for another time.

Stay safe out there, love each other, and create beautiful things.
