Here is your Drawing!

I recently read The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway. It hit me at the perfect moment. I was in the thick of the Kickstarter and it felt like a giant fish that I just couldn’t land and then I did and had to fight off sharks… I look forward to reading more Hemingway.

The Old Man and the Sea

Completed Projects

The Kickstarter is complete and was a huge success!

We surpassed the initial goal and reached the stretch goal of $3k which rewarded all the backers with a bonus reward.

Thank you to all who backed the project. If you missed the project for one reason or another, do not worry I will share in this newsletter when the book will be available for purchase. 

#FEARbruary was a massive success, I grew my audience and enjoyed reading the feedback on my Phobia designs. You can see the illustrations on my Instagram feed and soon in Print.

If you missed the previous newsletters you can find the entire back catalog here on my website.

Current Projects

Well, now that the Kickstarter is over I’m relaxing a bit but still making some cool stuff.

  • I’m wrapping up Fear Hunters for the Kickstarter. 
  • I just finished the Inks yesterday and plan to spend the rest of March coloring and lettering before sending it to the printer.
  • I’m still drawing the 100-page Graphic Novel for ————— Publishing House. Let’s give it the working title “TOT” you can attempt to decipher that… I have finished Penciling the first 28 pages. (For those of you not initiated, The comics process is as follows: Script, Thumbnails, Pencils, Inks, Colors, Letters, Final Format.) I will start the Inking soon.
  • I’m creating some small simple animations for the same major Educational Curriculum. It has been a while since I have animated so I’m working on getting back into the animation saddle.
  • I am still teaching Character Design and Photoshop to middle school and high school students. My students are fantastic and make great work. Here are some of their self-portrait character designs. These are shared with permission. 

Upcoming Projects

I have a few Cons this month where I will be tabling and selling my books, sketchbooks, prints, and doing live commissions. I would love to meet you!

3/7/2020 –  11am-5pm – Hissy Fit
This is a fun local con at My Parent’s Basement in Atlanta, GA
(the bar not my parent’s house…)

3/28/2020 – 11am-4pm – Queen City Zine Fest
Small festival at CPCC Harper Campus
315 W Hebron St, Charlotte, NC

My next con after that isn’t until May so stay tuned and I’ll share the schedule next month.

I’m not going to be doing another full month drawing challenge till MerMay but I have a ton of watercolor pieces and a few other sketchbook collections that I will be making in the meantime.

Philosophical Rant 

So I said that I would discuss Skill in this philosophical rant, but I’m mentally exhausted from the Kickstarter so here is a bit on Signatures…

I think that some people don’t consider the importance of their signature. It is your mark on something. It should be recognizable and yet not distracting.

I heard some good insight on this topic from Chris Schweizer, he is also the one who inspired me to start watercolors you should definitely check out his work.
He told me that “A signature should be legible and unique.” His signature is a great example. You can see that it is simply his name written out, but with a fancy “S” before his last name.

I think many artists lean more toward the unique than the legible. I can’t tell you the number of times that I have seen a cool piece of art and wanted to find more by that artist only to be unable to read the signature of the artist.

Here is the evolution of my signature over the last decade. I have some long versions and some that are just my initials.

I am considering changing it again to include an ampersand “&” in lieu of the first three letters of my name “AND” what do you think? Would that be confusing? Creative? Pretentious? Unique? 


You know what, I think this has actually turned into a rant!… The balance of Unique and Legible is why I think people have such a problem with Modern art. Because it is trying SOOOO hard to be unique, but the legibility has completely disappeared, it is utterly unclear what it is trying to say and thus is lacking any meaning. Oh my goodness, the air is getting thin up here on this soapbox. I wanted to have a chill Newsletter this month!