
FREE Coloring Pages!

Today I have a drawing for the Kids (and stressed adults.) I made this comic a while ago about the Metamorphic life of Frogs and Dragonflies. I am posting it here as a High-Resolution file that you can download and print to color yourself. Hopefully, it can occupy and educate your little ones while also encouraging you that we WILL overcome the hardships ahead of us. 

Please feel free to share or forward these pages to your friends and family. The more the merrier! METAMORPHOSIS_COLORING_PAGES.PDF

Completed Projects

I recently painted the Avengers in watercolor, adding them to my growing collection of 4×6 watercolor figures.

You can see the rest on my Instagram linked below.

Current Projects

I already work from home so social distancing has meant more time at the drawing board.
– I’m wrapping up Fear Hunters for the Kickstarter. I am a little behind the schedule I wanted but I am excited for this week to see what I can get done. I have colored 10 pages with 40 remaining.
-I’m still drawing the 100-page Graphic Novel for ————— Publishing House code name “TOT” My office printer is out of blue ink and part of my process is to print out the pencil drawing in blue ink before I go back over it with Black ink. I know it sounds silly. It’s all very complicated but I plan to share a diagram of my process soon. I will start the Inking soon.
– I’m still working on the animations, I am really excited with how it is coming, really getting back to my animation roots. I still teach Character Design and Photoshop to middle school and high school students. Because of school closures, we are now meeting virtually in an online class but it is going well. My students are fantastic and make great work. Here are some of the photoshop student’s self-portraits. Their prompt was to make an artistic self-portrait that does NOT show their face. These are shared with permission.

Upcoming Projects

Another Kickstarter!
Yeah, I know you are probably very tired of my asking for you to support my art.

But this one isn’t just me.

I’m part of a group of 10 artists making trading cards for bible passages. We are launching a crowdfunding campaign tomorrow (3/25/2020)! I know you’re pretty much my biggest fan, so I wanted to ask for your help. We need lots of early support to create the momentum needed to make it happen. Anything you can pledge on launch day would be a HUGE help. Here’s the link if you want to save the page before it launches:

I am working with Fish Coin Press on a comic interpretation of Daniel 7 that will hopefully be coming out later this year. You can learn more about Fish Coin Press Here


My con schedule has been decimated. Hissy Fit took place and was a rollicking good time. But since then the Con scene has started to shut down. I already have 3 shows canceled with some other postponed. I will keep you apprised with my plans. I hope we as a country can be smart and patient while dealing with our current crisis but I hope it will blow over soon.


I am still taking commissions and mailing them out. If you have a character(s) that you would like painted or drawn shoot me an email and we can discuss rates and the details.

Philosophical Rant 

Soooo, there is a Pandemic…

This is the main reason for an additional eNewsleter this month.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that the world is still beautiful. Yes, you may be cooped up in a home, small apartment, or possibly a medical facility. However, Drawing is absolute Magic, even if you have NEVER drawn a day in your life and your head persists with the lie “I can’t draw…” I would encourage you to take the time that you now have in abundance and create something. It doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it probably won’t be. But despite the chaos, darkness, and destruction you can bring order, color, and imagination into being with art.

So grab that #2B Pencil and make something. I would love to see it.