Art Exclusive

I am still working on my watercolors. The reference photo for this was taken at a red light because I liked how it was hitting my wife’s face. What would you like to see me draw for this section?

Completed Projects

Crimson Flower Fan Art
Crimson Flower is a Comic illustrated by one of my favorite artists, Matt Lesniewski. He is masterful with his textures. I made this fan art of the main character who is torn between the real world and a world of fantasy.

Hanging Art
I have finally hung art in my studio. It really helps me feel inspired! The art in the top picture is all mostly original art from friends of mine, and the art on the opposite wall (bottom picture) is all prints from artists that I admire, A few of which I have met.

Drafting Table Riser
I built a riser for my drafting table. My swivel chair was able to go low enough to squeeze underneath, however it meant that my knees were pointed up instead of straight or down, and it was really starting to hurt my back. But now that I am a homeowner I have that random pile of wood in the garage so I took the time to build a riser.

Current Projects 

I had an amazing drawing day recently. I penciled 6 pages in one day! I am usually penciling about 2-3 a day. And I really love how all the pages turned out. Here are a few of my favorite panels and drawings.

This is very inspired by a shortcut to mushrooms from The Lord of the Rings.

Upcoming Projects

Art Show!
I teased this in the last Newsletter. Here is your official invitation. I hope to see you there! There will be social distancing and masks and I will give an artist talk at some point.

Art Lesson

Today is just a straightforward drawing tutorial. I would love to see pictures of your Flamingo!
What should I show teach you to draw next?

Philosophical Rant 

Drawing Monsters

My art show is a comic about the Dream from Daniel 7. If you are not familiar, it is quite a terrifying narrative of four disturbing beasts that wreak havoc and destruction on the land. Some of my attendees are families and have little ones so the question has arisen, if the Bible is for everyone, then why are there scary stories in it?

I am a storyteller by profession so I have asked myself this question, how do I create stories that are God-honoring? I personally like drawing fantastical creatures and settings, some of which are quite scary. How do I use this talent to bring glory to God? Like the passage in Daniel, I do this by framing my scary creatures exclusively as the villains. And just like 
Daniel’s vision they are defeated in the end by the powers of good. Speaking of good, The Ancient of Days is also in my comic, depicted as a brilliant figure, engulfed in flame but not burning, grand, powerful, and calm. 

So why does the Bible have scary stories? The scarier and more terrifying the villain, then the more powerful God is when he wins. And He always wins. This tells you that no matter what scary thing is happening or will happen in your life, God is powerful enough to defeat it.

Maybe more theological than philosophical, but still, it was on my mind. Do you agree? Why do YOU think there are scary stories in the Bible?

Stay safe out there, love each other, and create beautiful things.
