I’m working on developing the structure of this newsletter. Since it’s called Drawing Conclusions I figure I’ll start by giving you a Drawing and end with a Conclusion. I used to do Chimera drawings on the regular, I’m thinking I’ll bring it back here…

Completed Projects

This section is gonna stay pretty empty because I could mention EVERYTHING that I have done, but I would rather tell you about what I am doing right now. The only thing I’ll focus on here is a project I’ve been doing for 6 years now. Today’s SketchyEvery day for the last 6 years I have drawn what I did the previous day, ultimately making an experimental comic/sketch journal of my life. You can flip through the individual days on my Instagram, or you can view it in 3 minutes here on youtube.Today’s Sketchy 2019

Current Projects

Yowza! I am super busy.

Most of the work I am doing right now is super-secret, but here is a lowdown redacted version
– I’m still drawing my Comic, Fear Hunters… More on that later…
– I’m drawing a 100 page Graphic Novel for ————— Publishing House. I have Penciled the first 12 pages and am absolutely loving it!
-I’m producing a short weekly comic strip for a major Educational Curriculum’s social media. It’s still in preproduction, but I will send a link when it’s being published.
-I’m still making watercolor paintings of classic pop culture figures, I do commissions and have a whole book for people to peruse at a comic con.
-I teach Character Design and Photoshop to middle school and high school students. My students are fantastic and make great work. I will see about sharing some of it at the end of this semester.
-I am also prepping for an incredible next month…  

Upcoming Projects

I am launching a Kickstarter on February 1, 2020. The Kickstarter is to raise funds to print the first volume of my self published Comic, Fear Hunters Volume 1: Nyctophobia. You can sign up here to be reminded when the campaign launches. Prelaunch Fear Hunters
If you are interested in supporting the project please consider pledging early. A lot of people will wait to see if a Kickstarter is funded before jumping on at the last second. Please help me spread the word about this project. I can’t wait to see what response I get!

There was a small glitch with the project, it is not searchable. if you search Fear Hunters on Kickstarter you will get a version that is canceled. You can only get to the real campaign via the link above. I’m troubleshooting with Kickstarter, but they do not have a phone number so it has been slow to resolve.

Also next month I will be launching another drawing challenge to coincide with my Kickstarter. Each day I will be drawing a new Phobe design from the Fear Hunters Universe. Feel free to join in the drawing or just follow along using #fearbruary. Here is an early sneak peek at the prompt list. I will be posting it to social media later.


There is still an active giveaway taking place on my Instagram page. Follow the instructions on the post for a chance to win a 4×6 watercolor painting of any pop culture or comic character of your choosing!

Philosophical Rant

I have studied this piece a number of times during academia, I was happy to see it in person.
Here’s your Conclusion…What is Art? I’m not sure really. If I was forced to answer I would say, “Anything you make.” Yep, that means babies, food, and the Mona Lisa. All art, by that definition. I would like to refine my definition by adding the one word, “Intentionally” to me this word means everything. I would not call the abomination I made in the toilet from last night’s chili “Art” just because “Look I made a thing!” No, I was not intending to make art. Intentionality is everything. I can justify Fountain by Duchamp by noting that the designer of the urinal did not intend to make art. but Duchamp looked at it and decided to intentionally make it art.

Art is anything you make Intentionally.

What do you think?