
I recently listened to a book series called Leviathan. It is a fictitious take on WWI in a steampunk alternate reality where the Allies used bizarre mutated animals and the Entente used heavy metal mechs to fight the war. Anyway, I thought it was fun and one of the characters was this female scientist named Dr. Barlow and she has a pet Tasmanian Tiger named Tazza (Obviously) so naturally, I wanted to draw my take on her design as described in the books. 

Completed Projects

I recently participated in the #sixfanarts drawing challenge. It is a challenge made by @mcapriglioneart on Twitter. It is a template where you ask your community to suggest characters to draw in each of the 6 slots of the template.

I had hundreds of suggestions so I might have to do one of these again. I am plotting my own challenge, what kind of challenge would you want to see?

You can see them in detail on my Instagram linked below.

Current Projects

I am trying to take full advantage of my time shut in from any social activities by working hard. Don’t worry, I am taking time for myself and family too, but I am really liking how hard I am working and want to do even better!

–  I’m wrapping up Fear Hunters for the Kickstarter. I am a little behind the schedule I wanted but I am excited for this week to see what I can get done. I have 10 pages left to color! Here is a sneak at a page I just finished.

– I’m still drawing the 100-page Graphic Novel for ————— Publishing House code name “TOT” I just inked the first 4 pages and plan to stay on a schedule of at least 1-page-a-day along with my other work.

– I’m still working on the animations, though that work has slowed for a bit.

– I still teach Character Design and Photoshop to middle school and high school students. Because of school closures, we are now meeting virtually in an online class but it is going well. We are taking a much-needed Spring Break right now. 

Behold Cards! Only 1 week left and starter packs are only $5! This project is super awesome and timely in this lead up to Easter and the uncertainty surrounding our society at present. I am one of a team of artists illustrating Bible verses based on the theme: Resurrection and Life. Each Behold Card is packed full of information and inspiration. I hope you will consider backing this project.
KICKSTARTER LINK A note on Kickstarters – I never want you to think that I am just peddling for your money, and well, I am. But I hope you don’t get annoyed. even if you yourself are not interested or able to support me, please share it with someone who you think might like it. You can be the person that brings the beauty of art into someone else’s life!

Upcoming Projects


Two of my May conventions have been canceled… My next con that is still on the schedule is in June. It is my big show of the year so I really hope that we are able to beat this COVID-19 stuff and get back to normal life by then. 


Because Con’s have been shut down I am looking to supplement my workload with some commissions. This would be a huge help and a chance to get some original art from me!

I am still taking commissions and mailing them out. If you have a character(s) that you would like painted or drawn shoot you can refer to this chart and shoot me an email with your request and we can talk details.

Just like with the Kickstarter, even if you are not interested or able to ask for a commission, maybe you have a friend who likes comic art and would really like some Original Art.


#Mermay is next month. For the last two years, I have made my own independent prompt list of fish to inspire my Merfolk. This year will be no different. I will post my prompt list to my Instagram in the last week of April. Here is one of my favorites from last year based on a Koi fish.


Philosophical Rant 

Is Art essential?

A very important question that I have been asking myself while we are in the midst of a pandemic lockdown… People are getting sick and families are losing loved ones and here I am doodling a picture of Spiderman web-slinging around NYC like everything is normal. 

What am I doing with my life?! I sincerely hope I am bringing a smile to your face. I may not be finding a cure to this virus or reorganizing water systems to ensure they stay online, or restocking grocery stores, or maintaining electrical systems while everyone else is at home, but I hope I make you giggle. It is a cliche, but they say, “Laughing is the Best Medicine” and while that is not remotely accurate medical advice… I think we could use plenty more laughter right now.

So I will keep drawing, telling stories, and living the dream!